Day Care Plus, Inc, Logo

Phone Icon Phone (844) 565-8725
Envelope State License #DC630021715

Staff Training

As a caregiver at Day care Plus Inc. you are required to complete a minimum of 24 hours of annual training in child related fields; elementary education, child guidance/counseling, child psychology, family studies and social work, and child care administration.

Training may include:

• In-service training
• Training offered by community groups, faith-based organizations, and child care provider associations.
• Workshops and courses offered by local or intermediate school districts or college.
• Training, workshops, seminars, and conferences on early childhood, child development, or child care administration and practices offered by early childhood organizations.
• On-line training

• Training will include a minimum of 3 hours of training focused on Cultural competence, inclusive practices, related to serving children with special Needs or disabilities, as well as teaching diverse children and supporting diverse children and supporting diverse children and their families.

In addition you are required to complete a course in the prevention of Sid’s and shaken baby syndrome, and blood borne pathogen training.

The center will provide on-site training for CPR training annually, and First Aid training every three years. Everyone is required to participate.